Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oil Leak..?

I have got an oil leak (only minor) But still a leak, coming from the flywheel side of the engine, it is wet on the underside of the engine case, and i only fitted a new gasket recently, i have took it off and cant find an obvious problem but it still finds a way through, any suggestions of the cause or any comments much appreciated!!

See Pics..



Thanks.Oil Leak..?
First thing to do is to figure out where the leak is coming from.

First, clean your engine cases thoroughly.

Next, apply a thin layer of flour or dirt to the outside of your engine.

Start the engine, run it until a leak shows. The flour or dirt will hopefully allow you to trace the oil back to its source. Then, you should hopefully be able to figure out if it's a misapplied gasket, or maybe a ding in the mating surfaces, or a warped case.

Good luck!Oil Leak..?
you have not provided enough info.

where exactly is the leak coming from?

which cover did you take off?

a lot of things could happen when you take off a cover. Why was the cover off? was it leaking before the cover came off?

lots of people would be happy to help if you give detailed info.
You really need to pull the side cover off...from the pics its difficult to tell...any chance it is leaking oil from the exhaust and running down the front of the case?
here is a great way to locate exactly where the leak is coming from, get a can of Brake Cleaner and clean that engine off as clean as a baby's bottom, next spray the area you think its coming from with foot powder spray, yanno that stuff in a spray can that you spray on ur feet when ur feet are sore? and the oil will make little trails thru the foot powder.

looks to me like ur left case gasket, or the spit engine case gasket is leaking and maybe all it needs is tightened up.
if the gaskets leaking silicone it.
Ask a Harley rider,they should be experts on oil leaks.
looks like a rear main oil seal to me you would have to strip out the magneto and all the gubbins to be able to see for sure, but sure looks like it to me. easy fix tho, remember to use a bit of lube when fitting your new seal hylomar blue is my tip but silicone works well

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