Will it at least stop the squeel/sqweek when I start the car-at least any suggestions to slow the leak, or lose that sqeeking noise?
Thanks nowI thought it was an oil leak, but a mechanic said it was steering fluid-the leak up there in the right front?
if its squeaking have you checked the belt .... could be a hose that simple garages are in the business to see that its only a hose and then tell you you need 1000.00 dollars for like a new rack and pinion assembly
bring it to a small no name mom and pop shop the big chain garages are the ones who pull fast ones ... family owned shops are mostly honest try !!!I thought it was an oil leak, but a mechanic said it was steering fluid-the leak up there in the right front?
I use prestone steering fluid with stop leak and it slowed my pump leak by 90%. I use it all the time now. leak or no leak. I had a rack and pinion leak on my '96 cougar and I took it out, got a repair kit (a couple of seals), and fixed it for about 12 bucks as I remember. Find a small shop, as suggested above, that is able to do it. Took me about 6 hours and I had never done that job before. The seal kit came with instructions, as I remember, on how to install the seals.
i wouldn't use the power steering stop leak in it also,most of the time that stuff doesn't work too well,if you cant afford to have it repaired right now just keep an eye on the fluid level in the pump,it may get bad enough that you cant drive it,and if so you will loose your power steering all together,and it will become more bad to drive it like this,the noise is in the pump its having to work harder and may also be a little low on fluid,good luck with it.
If it's red or dirty red it's steering fluid. You could try some Lucas P.S. fluid, It's guaranteed to stop leaks.
it will slow the leak down but wont stop the squeek thats if its a seal or an o ring leak but if its a hose leak it probably wont help because it wont swell
yes ive heard good thing about those stop leaks for steering systems and no i dont think a leaking rack and pinion is going to cause you to die even if you did loose all your fluid
now if you did loose all your fluid you not going to have power steering assist but its not going to kill you
Fine, you can't afford it. So one day you will be driving along and come to a curve and when you go to turn the wheel it turns so hard you cannot turn it in time and smash head-on into a tree and die.
You can't afford to fix it but you can afford to die. That makes a lot of sense. If you cannot afford to fix it then you should not be driving.
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