Saturday, December 26, 2009

I have an oil leak on my car?

I have an oil leak on my car at the front end. It looks as though it may be coming from the engine. Its not pouring or trickling, just dripping. Anyone have any ideas, or know where I can find out what it is online? Thanks.I have an oil leak on my car?
You need to find out were the oil is coming from, clean up the engine with a mix of washing powder and washing up liquid. Apply it all over the engine with a brush, let it stand for 20 mins or so. Then wash it off. Start the engine up, let it idle for a bit and look to see were the oil is coming from.

Ja.I have an oil leak on my car?
If it's just a drip from time to time, most likely to be sump plug washer, alternatively it could be anything else really!

Sump gasket, oil filter, main oil seal either puller or opposite end, rocker cover gasket, any external oil cooler pipework, as long as it's a very slow drip you'll be ok - Do note though that it will tend to leak when HOT, as the engine oil is much more fluid... first thing in the morning when cold, the oil is unlikely to leak.

As above, give the engine block a good clean, then take it for a drive to really warm it up, then later on check where there are obvious marks of oil leakage.
could be comming from anywhere..power wash the engine then you will see where its comming fron esier..
knackered gasket seal?

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