Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I need a mechanic to answer. I have a engine oil leak in a 1995 Mercury Cougar (V8) and I want to fix myself?

The leak is oil.

It's in the front left of the engine.

It's leaking daily.I need a mechanic to answer. I have a engine oil leak in a 1995 Mercury Cougar (V8) and I want to fix myself?
You need to identify exactly where the leak is coming from. It could be a bad seal/gasket or it could be a crack in the block.

If it is a seal, then you will have to take apart that section and replace the seal. Gaskets are the same. It is a fairly easy repair, but it will take some time the first time you try it.

If it is your engine block, there isn't much you can do. There are some parts stores that sell ';patches';, but you pretty much have to get a new block.

Until you are able to determine what it is, try replacing your engine oil with a heavier weight oil, like 10W40. It is a thicker oil, which makes it harder to leak through small openings.I need a mechanic to answer. I have a engine oil leak in a 1995 Mercury Cougar (V8) and I want to fix myself?
use simple green concentrate to clean engine really good all the grease and grime off. rinse off with water and let dry. once dry place cardboard undernieth to pinpoint leak. . . once leak is found ( which will be where two parts meet) drain oil take the two part s apart. clean mating surfaces and install new gasket and sealer. tighten bolts starting in the middle and work way out. tighten only a little at a time . never too tight , . fill with oil and run if it leaks tighten a lil bit more
It could be your main seal. That you most likely couldn't do yourself. You would have to take the whole top end apart. On the bright side, they do sell a product ((at any car store)) that you put in with your oil and it stops the leak. its a hit or miss though. I hope it works!
Have you verified it's not just a hole in your oil pan, or the plug isn't sealing properly. If it's leaking right out of the engine then you've got bigger problems.
Check your valve cover seal. Very easy and cheap to replace, takes about 15 dollars and twenty minutes of time.
change gaskets...first off....mainly the problem...then check screws....good luck...oh yeh....it maybe the problem with a seal behind your drive..belt....harmonic balancer seal

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